Do I want the The Dark Universe?

By:  Marc Goode

It seems that everything at the theaters and on TV is a part of some cinematic unverise and frankly, I'm getting just a little burnt out.  We have Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Star Trek on both the big and little screens (Disney is developing a Star Wars themed show for the upcoming stream service).  It just feels like everywhere I turn, it's one of the 4...blah...blah...blah.  

So, when I read that the Dark Universe is coming back, I asked myself if I really wanted another EU.  Well, to be honest, yes I do.  Right now the money is in EUs and with the big 4 dominating, maybe its time for something new....something different.

Unfornately, I did watch Universal's first attempt, The Mummy.  I'm not going to lie, it's not what you would expect for the first installment for a potiental fanchise.  I'm not saying it's bad, but it wasn't good either.  To me, what it did prove is that there has to be something with Scientology, because Tom Cruise looks AMAZING!  I don't know if it's the lack of Thetans or he is sucking the lifeforce out of other members, but this guy is 56 years old!!!  C'mon....

I do love the ground-work The Mummy laid down for Cinematic Universe, Dr. Jekyl (Russell Crowe) as the leader of a secret organization of "monsters" fighting monthers....that is really interesting.  The bad news was that the movie just wasn't good.  It was kinda like a monster version of a Mission Impossible film.  More action, less monster.  Fortunately, it looks like The Mummy didn't kill the franchise.  I hope not, I think we all need something new to break up the Superhero Fatigue and Star Wars just isn't cutting it.